A blue bloom

A blue bloom
7, Jul 2021     Reading Time: 2 minutes    Share it  

The Hyacinth Macaw, or ‘Arara Azul’ in brazilian portuguese, is a species that stands out for its beauty, vibrant color and for being able to reach up to one meter in length from the tip of its tail to the tip of its beak. This large size makes the hyacinth macaw the largest species in the macaw family.

With their size and striking colors, they are easily identified in nature. Not only that, they can make shriling sounds as well as imitate the sounds they hear, like those of humans or other animals. The hyacinth macaw has a strong, curved beak that specializes in breaking and peeling seeds. Therefore, their diet is restricted to palm fruits and is usually observed feeding in flocks. This type of feeding is an important form of protection against predators.

In addition, due to migration cycles, hyacinth macaws play a fundamental ecological role in seed dispersal. They are social birds and are usually found in groups, and it is uncommon to observe solitary individuals. Hyacinth macaw flocks are relatively large, with between 10 and 30 individuals. These flocks are commonly seen in places where they feed and in places called dormitories, which are the places where these animals rest.

They begin to develop their own families around the age of seven. By then, they already know what true love is! These birds show us a monogamous behavior, forming couples that remain together even outside the breeding season. How lovely is that? These pairs share tasks among themselves, such as caring for the chicks and the nest. They usually remain together for life. ♥

Due to their beauty, they have always been much sought after as a pet. The illegal trade of these animals existed for decades, together with the degradation of their habitats, which placed many species at risk of extinction. Currently, however, the captivating macaws have been used as a flagship species to bring attention to the eyes of the public regarding environmental causes that can range from the conservation of the species itself to the conservation of its entire ecosystem.