Vivid colors of pure poison.

Vivid colors of pure poison.
24, May 2021     Reading Time: 2 minutes    Share it  

Poison Dart Frogs, an unusual name, but it has everything to do with the story of this tiny frog. Its name was taken from the fact that native South Americans used to capture these frogs to dip their arrows and spears into their toxic secretions.

Just over 2 inches long, this little frog has terrestrial habits and lives in areas of rocky streams. Males are very territorial with members of the same species as well as other species, so they spend most of the day defending their territory through the use of different sounds. This type of frog is found in the Amazon region, in northern Brazil, in the Guianas and in Suriname.

This species of frog is the most colorful and the most poisonous of all vertebrates. Its colored marks are their natural signs to warn other species that these tiny amphibians are very, very poisonous. To give you an idea of ​​the pet’s power, its poison is capable of killing up to 20 adult humans and 20,000 mice – with just 2 micrograms of poison to end your life in a matter of minutes.

There are about a 100 different types of Dendrobatids (Poison Dart Frogs), generally varying in color and shape. The golden dart frog is the most dangerous among them. The animal’s toxin is acquired by eating a wide variety of insects such as ants, flies and caterpillars and these insects are essential to synthesize the poison.